The Pastor Wife Life
The Pastor Wife Life
110: Ministering Out of Personal Tragedy with Karen Altizer
One of the ways God makes the most out of our pastor wife platform is by using our experiences to help others. A personal tragedy in Karen's life has become the catalyst for a community-wide (and beyond!) outreach to minister to those whose lives have been impacted by the grief surrounding the death of a loved one. In this episode she shares how God brought her healing after the suicide of her brother to eventually become a facilitator for Grief Share, a ministry that helps those facing the deep hurt of losing a loved one or friend and supports them as they move toward rebuilding their lives.
Karen Altizer resides in West Virginia with her husband and children. She is a pastor’s wife and a homeschool mom, and volunteers for various ministries within her church and community. Karen has been in full time ministry for over 20 years and has been a facilitator for GriefShare for six years.
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